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In next 24 hours, heavy rain will occur to this area in Maharashtra Weather Forecast


Havaman Andaj today

The suburbs, including the city of Mumbai, have been lashed by torrential rains for the past week. The torrential rains that have been falling since midnight on Friday have made it as if we had gone to Mumbai.

Today’s weather is 2021

Maharashtra is receiving heavy rains in many places while Konkan is getting heavy rains. The meteorological department has issued heavy rains in nine districts of Maharashtra tonight and warned of moderate rains in 19 districts.

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तुमच्या भागाचा लाईव्ह हवामान अंदाज

Today’s weather forecast Maharashtra live

The meteorological department has forecast torrential rains in sparse areas. According to the latest forecast from the Indian Meteorological Department’s Regional Meteorological Department in Mumbai, heavy rains are expected in nine districts of Maharashtra and moderate rains in 19 districts till tomorrow morning.

Today’s weather forecast

The meteorological department has warned of heavy rains in Konkan and Palghar, Mumbai, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts, while Pune, Kolhapur and Satara districts in central Maharashtra have also been warned of heavy rains. Has arrived.

Heavy rains have been warned in Nashik district of northern Maharashtra. Beed Osmanabad Latur Nanded district of Marathwada has been warned of rain today, Buldana Akola Washim Amravati Yavatmal Wardha Nagpur Gondia Bhandara Chandrapur Gadchiroli in Vidarbha has been warned of moderate rain with thunder.

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शेतकरी मित्रांनो वरील माहिती जर आवडले असेल तर जास्तीत जास्त मित्रांसोबत शेअर करा आणि आपल्या वेबसाईटवर नोटिफिकेशन ऑन करून या चॅनल ला सुद्धा सबस्क्राइब करायला विसरू नका धन्यवाद

हे पण वाचा –

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